A Gaming and Food Blog by the Sneakiest of the Sneakiest Mages Out There.
Hi! Hello. Welcome.
... and this is my kingdom. While I love writing, I have an intense dislike writing about myself, so don't expect much from this section.
I am a tomb raider with a licence (aka an archaeologists), though I don't practice as much as I used to... My specialisation is medieval archaeology, with most of my recent work focused on 3D modeling/restoring and the use of gamification in museums.
Other than that I am into games, movies, interesting shows and books. So basically geeky stuff. I prefer fantasy to sci-fi, however I am fond of both, as reality can be a bit boring at times and I like to spice things up.
In my spare time I am also a photographer, and an amazing singer (but you'll just have to take my word on it).
I am also into food. However I prefer eating it, than cooking it. But there have been times it's been known to happen. If you want to try stuff out, you just got to do it yourself... or get a minion to do it for you. Unfortunately I don't have minions of my own...yet.
I also like dogs. But they suck as cooks. So I just use them as therapists if I have to cook... I also like cats. Just like fantasy and sci-fi. Love them both. Prefer the first, as they are a much better listeners.
Oh, and English is NOT my first language. So mishaps are bound to happen.
The END. Thank you for reading this, but next time...please read my blog instead.